To every valued customers at 7Luck88:
We only have one official website 7Luck88, and we do not have any downline as well as agent under us! We hope our valued customers be extra cautious towards the scammers.
In the past month, our team 7Luck88 received many complaints from customers stated that there scammers at 7Luck88. Below are the actions from the scammers:
- Persuaded customers to deposit into their bank account.
- Customers did not get any payout after winning the game
- Customers request to deposit again to withdraw the winning amount
This would not ever happen at 7Luck88, we will just pay out directly to our winning customers, but never ask to deposit again in order to get your winning amount. Therefore, 7Luck88 claims again that we do not have any agents and downline. Please do not bank in and deposit money to any bank account that does not belong to 7Luck88. If you have any inquiry, do not hesitate to contact our customers services for confirming.
We will provide the scammer bank info below to avoid having more victims in the future.
Bank: Public Bank / Hong Leong Bank / CIMB Bank / Bank Simpanan National
Beneficiary Name: Arivendiran A/L Monohara
Bank: Maybank
Beneficiary Name: Reyvhan A/L Rajasa