Recently, 7Luck88 received many complaints & feedback from members saying that there are fake agents using 7Luck88 brand name to operate in order to deceive 7Luck88 members. Thank you for all members' feedback and 7Luck88 is here to announce & declare officially regarding that 7Luck88 is only operate as a company WITHOUT ANY AGENT below.
Therefore, 7Luck88 hopes all 7Luck88 members be aware of this issues and avoid being trapped into the scammer. Friendly reminder to every 7Luck88 members, every transaction occurs at 7Luck88 including deposit, withdrawal & transfer balance to new products are required to submit form in order for further processing.
Members are recommended to always refer & visit to our official website and make transaction to avoid scam.Further info regarding scammer issue please refer to 7Luck88 official website. Besides, do not hesitate to contact our friendly customers services to know more about 7Luck88 in terms of promotion or any inquiry.